I have been SUPER busy lately but it's been awesome. I've been working on a client's website, busy at my day job, my daughter had her 2nd birthday party and we enjoyed bringing my son into this world!
This latest painting isn't finished but I really have felt like showing it off. As you can see, most of it is digitally hand painted. I've really enjoyed working on it.
I'm also working on new Photoshop actions for digital painters/matte painters so look forward to that information soon. I can't wait to put them up for sale!
My wife and I recently became slightly depressed when we realized that we could not move to California for a while. New bills have popped-up and we are going to move into a cheaper place in order to pay off bills and save money for the move. I was originally hoping to do some interviews in August (10 - 14) in California, but now I'm just hoping to get to meet-up with some of my twitter and blogger friends and maybe even some heroes! Contact me if you'd like to meet for lunch or dinner or whatever on August 10-11th.
Hopefully I'll get back into the swing of blogging and updating this blog more. I really miss updating here and leaving comments on other artists' blogs.
Without wax,