Monday, March 16, 2009

On deleting photos

I might not be able to describe what happened this weekend so I'll start out with these three photos.
They do a pretty good job of giving you a pretty good idea of how I felt:

I deleted my entire directory of matte painting photos/reference. But not to worry. I can get most of them back.

I decided to organize my matte painting photos directory over the weekend. I went into 2 of my external drives and deleted what I THOUGHT were two directories that were the same, and that didn't have matte painting photos in them. Well, one of them was my collection. I emptied the trash to clear up enough space. Oh no.

Really, you can get back almost any thing from any drive if you want to spend the time doing it. I started to use this program called photorec, ran it in terminal (DON'T I SOUND SMART!), and preceded to get back some of my files. photorec takes a LONG time so I called my buddy Cliff and asked if he still had my photos. He does. I'll just get them from him. I think I only need my Washington DC photos (the ones I'm most worried about are some Harry Potterish Smithsonian photos, which I have anyway), and some Vermillion Cliffs photos. I still have ALL of my photos from both trips to Hawaii and a trip to Saing George. The DC photos were a little different because I kept them seperate from family photos. This week: Some freelance work and some matte painting.


Richard Cave said...

Hope you recover them mate, killed a hard drive many moons ago still snd still upsset about it.

Being british I am having a cup of tea to get you through your crisis.

Best of luck


Mark Molnar said...

oh man! good luck with the recovering!
actually the same thing happened with me last week - I tried to synchronize my work folder with my archive work folder on my external hd. and about 5 mins later I realized that I erased about 4 month of concept work... <:O
alright, they were old stuff, but hey... sometimes I miss traditional painting... :)