Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Assignment 2

In order to push myself and get out of my comfort zone, I've decided to take part in David Mattingly's matte painting course. He provides a lot of his info from his "brick and mortar" classroom in his classes. Here's images I did from the 2nd assignment.

For this I tried to stay within the confines of the plate we were given.


I've seen quite a few matte paintings that are painted to match a full 2k res, so I figured that's what David was having us do. I don't agree with David's notion of having us design while painting. I seperate the two. And while I don't agree, I totally understand it. The design of the castle gives us our own original design, gets us to think about the process of designing while painting (which can be hard sometimes, but sometimes HAS to be done) I designed the castles as silhouettes first


Then I applied the silhouettes to the plate and painted on it.


On this one I went with more of a fantasy, LOTR feel to it. Tried to keep the castle classic though.


Richard Cave said...

Awesome, never heard of this course. It seems you have learnt loads. Love the idea of using silloheuttes what a great way of breaking through artists block.

I have just started on the railway scene for my trailer for Men In the Moon. Once I have done all the animatics I will send you the animatic trailer.

You are getting good.


Matthew Scheuerman said...

Can't wait to see your animatic. Actually I didn't learn the silhouette idea from this class. I had seen it used a dozen times but finally it clicked when I read The Skillful Huntsman. Great book. Using the right size brushes, on the right size canvas really helps these silhouettes. I'll post my brushes soon I hope so you can see what I'm using.

Chris Oatley said...

Interesting exploration. I like the silhouettes. I think *maybe* the scale could be pushed more. Like -- make the castles smaller and thus the sky/ overall vibe would seem more epic? That's a difficult composition to start out with too. Its really hard to make such a square and halved-out composition dynamic... I love the glow in the sky of the volcanic one...

Björn said...

I really like this process of yours and I especially dig your image in the middle.

What I think you should try be more consistent with the shadow color and value relationships (specifically the middle one). It feels like warm dusk light hitting the castle but the sky doesn't reflect this so there's some dissonance there.

However, these are great :)

neil said...

awesome work

Painted Preppy said...

Great work, I like the first castle, the way the light hits the sides looks nice.

Lynsey Steinberg aka Fraulein said...

if you're interested in winning prizes for matte paintings go here:

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