Friday, November 28, 2008

Misty Mountains DS sketch

Saw these while at lunch one cloudy. The clouds were trying to hide the peaks of  the mountains. Very cool to see in Arizona.


Mark Molnar said...

you have really nice ds sketches around here. all I can say is keep on posting!

Simon Scales said...

some cool stuff here mate - ill keep checking back!!

Velwyn Yossy said...

hey thanks for the comments =]
nice job on the stuff. i like the brushstroke. keep em up =]

Daniel said...

sweet ds sketches dude, ive gotta get myself one of those...

Unknown said...


Matthew Scheuerman said...

Mo: Thanks for checking. I'll keep posting as much as I can without interupting my painting schedule :D

Simon: Thanks for the comments. I really like your work and appreciate that you'll check back.

Velwyn: You're welcome. Thanks, I tried to simplify the brushstrokes.

Daniel Xiao, I bought my DS at Gamestop used (so that I could return it if I had to, I did...twice), and purchased the R4 kit from

Alina: Thanks so much for the comments throughout my blog. I really appreciate the checkbacks